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On Event Production Co. Achieves ISO 14001: A Greener Future in Every Event

8th October 2024 in Company News

We’re excited to share that On Event Production Co. has achieved ISO 14001 certification! This globally recognised standard for environmental management is a huge win for us and our commitment to sustainability. But what does this mean in practice? Let’s break it down.

Less Waste, More Impact

Waste? We’ve got it handled. Our team works hard to minimise waste in everything we do. Instead of throwing away materials after an event, we repurpose and recycle wherever possible. For instance, much of the wood we use in set builds is FSC-certified and gets reused for future projects. Even the carpet we lay for event stages and exhibition stands is recycled—and when we’re done with it, it gets recycled again! From plastic to cardboard, everything is separated and processed through responsible recycling channels to keep our waste footprint as small as possible.

Greener on the Go

Even our trucks are part of the plan! By working closely with our logistics partners, we make sure we’re choosing the right-sized vehicle for each event—no oversized trucks wasting fuel. We also plan sensible A-to-B journeys to minimise miles on the road. On top of that, we encourage car sharing among our team and use trains whenever possible to cut down on emissions. Plus, we keep a close eye on diesel and petrol usage to ensure we’re delivering efficiently while keeping our carbon footprint in check.

Hazardous Materials? No Problem

We handle materials like paint and chemicals with care. Everything is stored safely, and hazardous waste is disposed of responsibly through certified contractors. It’s all part of our mission to leave the lightest footprint possible—on land, air, and water.

Making Smarter Choices

From the electricity we use to the waste we create, we’re focused on making our operations greener. For instance, we’ve got PIR sensors in our office and warehouse to control lighting and reduce energy consumption. Plus, our heaters are on timers to ensure we’re using gas efficiently—small changes that add up to big environmental benefits!

A Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Achieving ISO 14001 is just the beginning. Our environmental management system will keep evolving as we find new ways to cut energy use, minimise waste, and provide greener options for our clients. Whether it’s reducing emissions from our boilers or seeking eco-friendly alternatives for set design, we’re committed to making sustainability a core part of everything we do.

So, the next time you see us in action, know that we’re not just producing amazing events—we’re working towards a cleaner, greener future with every stage, light, and sound check.