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Lighting up your corporate event

16th December 2023 in Live Events

The light experience

Good lighting is crucial for a live corporate event because it sets the mood, enhances visibility, and ensures that the audience can fully engage with the presentations and performances. Proper lighting can draw attention to key elements on stage, create a professional atmosphere, and make speakers and performers look their best. It helps to create an ambiance that aligns with the event’s theme or message, leaving a lasting impression on attendees. Ultimately, effective lighting can elevate the overall experience and contribute to the success of the event.

Here are our top tips to deliver great lighting at a live event:


1. Understand the Event’s Purpose and Theme:

Before planning the lighting setup, it’s essential to understand the purpose and theme of the event. Different events require different atmospheres. For example, a corporate conference may benefit from bright, evenly distributed lighting for visibility, while a gala or wedding may require more atmospheric and mood-enhancing lighting.


2. Layered Lighting Design:

Implement a layered lighting approach to achieve depth and dimension. This involves using a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting. Ambient lighting sets the overall mood, task lighting provides functional illumination for specific areas or activities, and accent lighting highlights key elements or focal points.


3. Consider Colour Temperature:

Pay attention to the colour temperature of the lighting, measured in Kelvins (K). Warmer temperatures (around 2700K-3000K) create a cozy and intimate atmosphere, while cooler temperatures (around 4000K-5000K) can enhance focus and alertness. Experiment with different colour temperatures to find the right balance for your event, and consider incorporating colour-changing capabilities for dynamic effects.


4. Use Lighting to Guide Attention:

Strategic lighting can help guide attendees’ attention to key areas or activities. Use spotlights, gobos, or directional lighting to highlight stages, podiums, or signage. This not only directs focus but also adds a visual hierarchy to the event space. Dynamic lighting changes can be synchronised with the event program to keep the audience engaged and focused on the current happenings.