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Environmental Policy Statement

Environmental Responsibility Policy Statement

On Event Production Co. will implement an Environmental Management System that draws on the intentions and principals of BS EN ISO 14001: 2015 Environmental Management Systems. This statement identifies the objectives, commitment and responsibilities of all the company’s employees to control the environmental impact whilst in the execution of their duties.

To ensure the implementation of this statement at all levels in the company, On shall appoint personnel who will have responsibility, along with their other duties, for continuing development and maintenance of the system.

This statement affirms the need for all On employees to:

    1. Make every effort to conserve the use of materials and energy and where viable, collect waste materials for recycling.
    2. Wherever viable, use materials and products from sustainable sources that are also re-usable or recyclable.
    3. Identify that whilst construction is in progress, all reasonable precautions will be taken against environmental damage, disruption or nuisance on or adjoining the project.
    4. Ensure that as a good environmental practice; all places of work, including sites will be kept clean and tidy.
    5. Avoid pollution of the air, ground and waste by unnecessary noise, fumes, dust or the disposal of construction materials.
    6. stablish targets against which environmental performance can be measured.
    7. Regularly assess the need for further environmental investigations or surveys.
    8. Comply with the appropriate Codes of Practice.

We recognise that our activities impact on the environment and accordingly, we are committed to implementing environmentally responsible policies and practices to reduce this impact.

The implementation of this policy is fundamental to the success of the organisation’s business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work. This Policy is communicated to all employees, suppliers and sub-contractors and is made available to interested parties.

Adam Dewhurst
Managing Director
27th July 2022

Environmental Management System

Waste Management

All waste generated from our works will be, where practicable, segregated and disposed of to a licensed tipping facility utilising registered and licensed waste disposal Contractors. Transfer notes will be retained for all waste removed from the site.

In the case of hazardous waste, all products will be removed and disposed of in accordance with relevant local enforcing bodies, with all licences obtained, and transfer notes retained as proof of correct disposal. Where there is more than 500kg of hazardous waste to be removed from the site, the premises will be registered with the Environmental Agency as required by the Hazardous Waste Regulations 2009.

Where site conditions allow debris skips will be utilised and all waste will be segregated into inert and general waste.

All waste carriers will have the appropriate license and all Waste Consignment Notes will be stored on site recording the category of waste removed and the destination of the waste.

Where specific segregated waste storage facilities are cross contaminated, the waste will be removed as per the most hazardous waste contained within. The requirement for waste segregation where possible, will be fully explained during the induction process onto the site. information will be communicated to relevant site operatives and clear signage will be displayed at each waste storage facility.


where practicable the company will ensure noise generated is reduced to an acceptable level for Contractors on site and the general public in the local vicinity. All plant and equipment will be fitted with efficient noise suppression or controls to assist in attaining reduced noise output levels.

Any complaints concerning noise emissions from our sites will be investigated and appropriate corrective and preventive measures taken to prevent reoccurrence.

Emissions Into The Atmosphere And Watercourse

Emissions into the atmosphere and watercourses are to be controlled by the best available means practicable.  Environmentally safe products will be used attempting to minimise the effects of our works on the environment.


Any spillages that occur on site must be contained and prevented from entering any watercourse and harming the local environment. COSHH information for all substances being stored and used on site will be available and appropriate spillage kits will be provided where required, and will be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Monitoring of these requirements will be undertaken by the Production Manager on site and the Warehouse and Operations Manager in the premises. This shall be carried out regularly to ensure the environmental controls are effective and used as a basis for identifying improvement.

Where environmental problems are encountered during the works it will be brought to the attention of the Operations Director who shall review the problem and, where applicable, propose an acceptable solution.

It will be the responsibility of the Operations Director to ensure that the Company’s Environmental responsibility is communicated to all staff and that each individual is encouraged to input into the environmental system such that all can contribute to minimising the impact on the environment.

Adam Dewhurst
Managing Director
27th July 2022

Environmental Management System: Current initiatives

  • General office waste is sorted into recyclable and non-recyclable bins.
  • All office printers are set to print double-sided as standard in order to minimise the amount of paper used, and all waste paper is either recycled or, where possible, used as scrap paper.
  • Our in-house hire system has been designed to prompt users to ask whether they actually need to print a copy of the document prior to printing at all stages where a hard copy is not needed.
  • Where possible all written communication is via email. The vast majority of quotations, confirmations, invoices, statements and purchase orders are issued via email. Paper copies are only printed for issue via post or fax at the client’s request.
  • Wastage is collected by a recognised and reputable company (Biffa Waste Services) and waste to be recycled is taken to local recycling centres.
  • All equipment that becomes due for renewal is, wherever possible, sold on to other companies as ex-rental rather than disposed of.


ON currently recycles the following waste products:

  • Lamps from Lighting equipment
  • Aluminium
  • Steel
  • Copper Cables
  • Carpet
  • Wood
  • Cardboard
  • Plastics
  • Toner & Printer Cartridges
  • Paper and padded envelopes
  • Other suppliers packaging whenever possible


  • All offices are double-glazed in order to minimise heat dispersion and wastage
  • Warehouse equipment including boilers and information screens are on timer systems to reduce utility usage.
  • All computers are set to make use of their energy saving settings.
  • All office heating is on a timer for when offices are occupied. The timer is set to OFF over weekends, outside of operating hours or evenings.
  • A large number of the office lighting fixtures have been changed for energy efficient fluorescent tubes and LED reducing power consumption.
  • All office heating is switched off completely during summer months.
  • Heating in workshops is supplied via energy efficient infrared heaters specifically designed to heat people and objects unaffected by air movement.
  • Heating in the warehouse is supplied via energy efficient gas blow heaters.


Travel & Transport

ON will keep all vehicles in good operating condition, and maintain them according to the instructions in the vehicle’s owner’s manual. All company vehicles will be inspected on a regular basis, and any mechanical problems that arise will be fixed accordingly. This will ensure that all company vehicles are running as efficiently as possible and thereby reduce unnecessary pollution.

  • Before undertaking any journey all members of staff should ensure the daily vehicle check sheet is complete inspecting the following:
    • The tyres are inflated in line with the munufacturer’s specifications
    • The tyres have adequate tread
    • Check water levels
    • Check oil levels
    • Check fuel levels
  • Only equipment, cases and tools necassary for the job being delivered or collected should be carried on the vehicle.
  • Plenty of time should be allowed to arrive at the required destination, driving at a moderate speed and ensuring the highest possible suitable gear is used at all times.
  • Wherever practical, delivery and collections should be combined in order to minimise unnecessary travel.
  • Excessive idling of the engine shoild be avoided at all times.
  • The shortest route possible should be taken and the journey should be planned to avoid backtracking.
  • lift-sharing is encouraged. staff and freelance engineers’ should lift-share whenever possible.