AllTogether.Live is a hybrid event support package capable of bringing together live and remote audiences together in one place.
Whether they’re sat in the audience or sat in the comfort of their own homes, AllTogether.Live allows everyone to interact in the same way creating a truly engaging live experience. AllTogether.Live is not just another virtual audience platform, it’s a fully managed and supported production solution to elevate hybrid events to a new level.
The power of AllTogether.Live is not that obvious from the front end of the system. Why not just use Zoom? Zoom and other popular online meeting tools are brilliant at what they do but they are not designed to be a virtual audience system. The majority of the control is with the individual presenting and that makes producing a slick and professional broadcast very difficult.
Costs vary depending on your audience size, event duration and technology required to display the virtual delegates in the venue. Contact us to discuss your requirements and for a quotation.
Thank you to Ben and the team for pulling off such a show stopping event in a week! It felt like an impossible task at first, but the team’s professionalism and expertise made it as stress free as possible. The feedback we have received from participants has been extremely positive and has set the bar high for hybrid events in our business going forwards. We will be recommending On Event Production Co. to other teams in the business.